HFE helps meet rising global energy demand through clean, efficient and sustainable solutions. It is our constant endeavour to deliver cleaner and smarter energy choices to our customers through continuous innovation in renewable energy models and investments in newer technology. As part of our efforts to amplify climate action, we aim to expand our clean energy portfolio significantly over the next five years. The bulk of the electricity demand at our plants and site offices are met using self-generated renewable power, and during non-generation hours, electricity is imported from the grid.

Our Company has adopted a robust accounting methodology to calculate Scope 1 (emissions from sources controlled or owned by our Company) and Scope 2 (emissions from purchased electricity) emissions data in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. In FY 2023-24, HFE has avoided 2.8 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions through our solar and wind energy projects.
HFE plans to accomplish our vision of being Climate Positive by 2030 by reducing more
greenhouse gas emissions than our project cycles emit while expanding our portfolio and growing business. We have completed the inventorization of Scope 3 GHG emissions and will start sharing this data from our next Sustainability Report. We also aim to register our solar and wind assets under carbon offset schemes to acquire carbon credits.

Water Management
HFE’s sustainability strategy for water will continue to remain one of the most crucial elements in our sustainability vision for 2030. We are cognizant of the growing concern around the scarcity of freshwater resources and are striving to implement sustainable water management initiatives. We have set a goal of responsible use of water in our operations. We are also committed to focusing on water management outside our operational boundaries. We aim to create positive impacts in water using the latest technologies, through rainwater harvesting, both at our plant locations and through relevant watershed projects.
In FY 2022-23, we deployed dry robotic cleaning in Rajasthan (Bhadla plant), where freshwater is scarce. A study of the pilot programme revealed that we have saved approximately 25 million litres of water per month in FY 2023-24. We will deploy robotic cleaning across other solar sites in the next financial year.

Waste Management
HFE envisions fostering a circular economy at the industrial and national levels by minimizing waste generation and exploring opportunities to recycle and reuse waste. We follow strict waste management standards and implement best industry practices to ensure effective waste segregation, handling, storage, and disposal at all of our construction sites, O&M plants, and offices. The hazardous waste generated by our company is disposed of in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Management Procedure. All waste in India is sent to authorised vendors approved by the Central Pollution Control Board.

Biodiversity Management
We ensure that our projects preserve the local biodiversity during both commissioning and operation phases through a strategic and focused biodiversity management plan. Towards our efforts to conserve biodiversity, our company has taken the following measures:
- Conduct biodiversity assessments and specialised studies on species risks as per IUCN guidelines
- Take significant action to reduce habitat degradation and biodiversity loss
- Conduct mandatory environment and social impact studies for greenfield projects
- Hire third-party auditors for biodiversity assessments & check the impact on avifauna around project locations
- Implement underground cabling within the plant boundary and install bird deterrents for external transmission lines around the under-construction project to safeguard avifauna
- Conduct bird and bat studies to assess the potential impact of wind turbines on avifauna populations
HFE has zero tolerance towards non-compliance with laws and regulations and therefore business decisions and strategies are formulated keeping compliance at utmost priority.